
The prolonged strike by the United Auto Workers against the top three U.S. car manufacturers entered its third day on Sunday. As the stalemate continues, discussions with General Motors are scheduled to recommence.

Approximately 12,700 UAW members are actively striking at factories owned by Ford, Stellantis, and GM. This strike is particularly notable as it’s the first instance of the UAW union simultaneously opposing all three automakers.

Negotiations have seen a significant gap between the companies’ proposals and union demands. The automakers have proposed a wage increase of roughly 20% spanning a 4½-year contract, which includes an immediate 10% hike. However, the union is pushing for a 40% pay raise.

During an interview with Face the Nation, UAW President Shawn Fain expressed that the discussions have been progressing at a sluggish pace. He mentioned, “It’s regrettable that the companies didn’t approach these negotiations more earnestly from the outset in mid-July.” On the CBS show “Face the Nation,” Fain further added that the union is ready to intensify its efforts, hinting at the possibility of more walkouts in the coming days.

Lending his support to the union, U.S. President Joe Biden sent acting Labor Secretary Julie Su and economic consultant Gene Sperling to Detroit. Their goal is to mediate between the UAW and the car manufacturers.



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