
Seth Meyers told viewers the night after the midterm elections that he wanted to use only the most “cautious” language to describe the state of the still-undecided battle for control of both houses of Congress: “Republicans fucked up and shit the bed like a bunch of jabronis.”

“I forgot to mention, our election guy is from New Jersey, like Dr. Oz!” the Late Night host added.

Despite Fox News pundits’ confident predictions of a “red wave” and a “red tsunami” from GOP politicians like Ted Cruz, Democrats fared much better than expected almost everywhere. “If there was truly a tsunami coming, we all know Ted Cruz would have been on the first flight to Cancun,” Meyers joked.

Given the political and economic challenges that Democrats face heading into this week’s elections, the fact that control of Congress remains a “toss-up” as of Wednesday is “crazy,” according to the host.

He then turned to “by far the most dramatic and my favorite example of how poorly things went for Republicans,” the “shocking development” in Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District, where GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert is still trailing her Democratic opponent in a race that “absolutely no one thought would be competitive.”

“I’m not saying I was excited last night when I saw those results, but I did rush into my kids’ room at 3 a.m. to shake them and scream, ‘Wake up! Lauren Boebert is losing!’” Meyers said. And for anyone confusing Boebert with her lookalike Sarah Palin, who was also running for a House seat in Alaska on Tuesday night, he added, “Don’t worry, they’re both losing, so you don’t even have to keep them straight.”

Later, Meyers responded to former President Donald Trump’s pre-election declaration that he should take full credit for a Republican victory but bear no blame if the party loses.

“I mean, of course, that’s what Trump would say, that’s how he’s operated his whole life,” the host said. “He wants credit for everything and blame for nothing. He’s the definition of a ‘heads I win, tails you lose kind of guy, except he still somehow manages to lose.”



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