
This week marked a significant shake-up in the beauty pageant world with both Miss USA, Noelia Voigt, and Miss Teen USA, UmaSofia Srivastava, resigning from their prestigious roles, each citing mental health concerns and discrepancies with the organizational values.

Noelia Voigt, who was crowned Miss USA in September 2023 and was preparing for the Miss Universe pageant later this year, articulated her departure on Instagram, emphasizing her commitment to mental health. “I value the importance of making decisions that feel best for you and your mental health,” Voigt expressed in her post.

Shortly after, UmaSofia Srivastava, the reigning Miss Teen USA, also announced her resignation. In her Instagram announcement, she explained, “My personal values no longer fully align with the direction of the organization,” indicating a rift between her principles and those of the pageant organization.

These resignations come amidst other troubling signs within the Miss USA organization. Claudia Michelle, the former social media director, exited her position citing poor working conditions and voiced concerns over the apparent deterioration of Voigt’s mental health.

In a poignant revelation, internet detectives uncovered a hidden message in Voigt’s resignation statement—the acrostic “I AM SILENCED”, told BBC. This discovery has fueled further speculation and support from her peers, including Derby Chukwudi, Miss New Jersey 2023, who advocated for Voigt’s release from a restrictive nondisclosure agreement and called for greater transparency within the organization.

UmaSofia Srivastava, at 17 years old and the first of mixed Mexican and Indian descent to win Miss Teen USA, also vowed to continue her advocacy outside the pageant sphere, subtly criticizing the Miss Teen USA organization in her farewell message.

The pageant world has faced multiple controversies in recent years, including allegations of competition rigging and leadership mismanagement, leading to resignations and investigations within the Miss Universe Organization.

Both Miss USA and Miss Teen USA organizations have expressed respect and support for the decisions of Voigt and Srivastava, affirming their commitment to the well-being of their titleholders and announcing plans to find suitable successors soon.



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