
Donald Trump reportedly agreed to have a child with Melania Trump under one condition: she had to promise to regain her pre-pregnancy figure after giving birth. This surprising detail comes from a source who visited the couple’s home while Melania was pregnant with their son, Barron Trump. The visitor recalled that Trump wanted Melania’s reassurance about her post-pregnancy body before they conceived. “She promised him that everything would go back to the way it was,” the source revealed.

The source described this agreement as feeling more like a “contract” than a mutual decision between two loving partners. According to the visitor, Trump’s behavior during Melania’s pregnancy was far from caring or supportive. “There was no ‘How do you feel?’ …No opening of doors, [or] making sure she didn’t fall. Just ‘You wanted to have a baby,'” the source recounted, according to Vanity Fair.

Trump’s obsession with women’s appearances is well-documented. In an interview with Howard Stern, he once joked that he would only stay with Melania after a car accident if her breasts remained intact. Trump also made light of the idea of dating younger women while married to Melania, who was 35 when she became pregnant—an age Trump reportedly considered the “checkout time” for women.

“She was well aware of the man she married,” a source close to Trump remarked. Melania’s long-time friend, Lisa Bytner, has described her attitude as “live and let live.” Some believe this made her an ideal partner for Trump—beautiful but low-maintenance. “She doesn’t make waves,” echoed another friend, William Eubanks. “She speaks only when spoken to. She’s just very sweet.”

Michael D’Antonio, who authored a book about Trump, recalled an incident where Trump begged Melania to praise him during an interview. “He said, ‘Tell him I’m a really good husband.’ She looked at him, and he repeated himself. And she said, ‘Yeah, he’s a really good husband.’ It was being dragged out of her.”

Speculation about Melania leaving Trump has swirled for years, especially after the infamous Access Hollywood tape surfaced, where Trump was caught on a hot mic bragging about making unwanted advances on women. Despite public outrage and calls for Trump to drop out of the 2016 race, Melania stood by him, stating, “I believe my husband…This was all organized by the opposition”, as reported by She Knows

Melania has always focused on raising Barron and was reportedly hesitant about Trump’s presidential run. A former aide claimed she didn’t want him to run because she feared he might win. Her reluctance was evident when she delayed moving to the White House, further fueling speculation about her ambivalence toward the role of First Lady.



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