
Donald Trump’s latest attack on Vice President Kamala Harris quickly backfired on social media, as critics turned his insult back on him.

Following President Joe Biden’s announcement to drop his reelection bid and endorse Harris, Trump dismissed her as “dumb as a rock.” The phrase soon trended on X (formerly Twitter), but not in the way Trump intended. Instead of garnering support, the insult prompted a wave of responses reminding Trump of some of his most infamous claims and statements, via The Daily Beast.

Critics highlighted several of Trump’s controversial and widely ridiculed remarks. Among them was his suggestion to inject disinfectant as a potential COVID-19 treatment during a White House briefing, a claim that drew widespread condemnation from medical professionals and the public alike. “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute,” Trump had said, suggesting it could be used internally to combat the virus.

Another popular reminder was Trump’s warning about the supposed dangers of windmills, which he claimed cause cancer. “If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your house just went down 75% in value,” Trump stated during a speech. “And they say the noise causes cancer.”

Critics also brought up the time Trump stared directly at the sun during a solar eclipse in 2017, an act that goes against widespread public safety advice to avoid serious eye damage. The image of Trump squinting up at the sun without protective eyewear became an enduring meme and a symbol of reckless behavior.

As the hashtag “dumb as a rock” trended, it became clear that Trump’s attempt to belittle Harris had provided his critics with an opportunity to mock his own history of controversial and often scientifically unfounded statements.

This backlash highlights the polarized nature of current political discourse and the swift reactions that public figures face on social media. Trump’s critics seized the moment to not only defend Harris but also to highlight what they perceive as Trump’s lack of credibility on several serious issues.

Trump’s attack on Harris, intended to undermine her credibility, instead turned into a social media fiasco, reflecting the intense scrutiny and immediate pushback that characterizes modern political communication. The incident underscores how quickly an intended insult can be repurposed and weaponized in the digital age, especially against a figure as polarizing as Trump.



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