
Former President Donald Trump brought vigor and sharp critiques to a sweltering rally in Las Vegas, where temperatures soared to 104 degrees. Despite the intense heat, about 6,900 supporters gathered at Sunset Park, with six attendees requiring hospital treatment for heat-related issues, according to Las Vegas Metro police.

Two days before Nevada’s primary, Trump refrained from endorsing a candidate in the state’s contested U.S. Senate Republican race. Instead, he focused on a new proposal aimed at the state’s large service industry, promising to eliminate taxes on tips. “So this is the first time I’ve said this, and for those hotel workers and people that get tips you’re going to be very happy because when I get to the office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips people (are) making,” Trump declared, signaling a swift action on this proposal should he return to the office.

Trump’s tax agenda also includes making the 2017 Republican-passed tax cuts permanent, a move tax experts claim could increase U.S. deficits by approximately $4 trillion over a decade. Throughout his speech, Trump dealt with persistent teleprompter issues, which led him to assert his refusal to pay for inadequate services. “I don’t pay contractors who do (expletive) work,” he stated a comment that characterized the candid and informal style of his address.

The rally featured moments of crowd interaction reminiscent of a stand-up routine, with Trump querying attendees on potential vice presidential picks and preferred nicknames for Joe Biden, though no clear consensus emerged. He even humorously pondered whether he would rather be eaten by a shark or electrocuted, choosing the latter.

Trump did not shy away from controversial statements, calling Jack Smith, the special counsel investigating him, “a dumb son of a bitch.” He also expressed admiration for Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, citing him as saying the world’s salvation depended on Trump’s election.

The event also included polarizing comments from U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who likened Trump’s legal troubles to the persecution of Jesus Christ, intensifying the political rhetoric of the rally. Trump concluded by urging a massive turnout in the upcoming November elections, advocating for participation “too big to rig.

The rally was not just a display of Trump’s political ambitions but also a testament to his unique style of engaging with the public, intertwining policy promises with personal grievances and interactive elements, making it a memorable event for his supporters.



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