
Kari Lake, a Republican U.S. Senate candidate for Arizona, received disappointing news on Sunday when her Democratic opponent, Representative Ruben Gallego, announced a coalition of dozens of Republican and independent Arizona leaders supporting him.

Lake, a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump and a 2020 election denier who backs “America First” policies, will face Gallego, a fifth-term U.S. congressman, and former U.S. Marine who served in Iraq, in the November race for the seat of Senator Kyrsten Sinema, a Democrat turned independent who is not seeking reelection. Lake ran for Arizona governor in 2022 against Democrat Katie Hobbs. However, after losing, she claimed the election was stolen, similar to her assertions about Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory. There is no evidence to support widespread voter fraud in either the 2020 presidential election or Arizona’s 2022 gubernatorial election.

On Sunday, Gallego’s campaign launched “Republicans and Independents for Ruben,” a coalition of 40 Arizona Republicans and independents—including current and former elected officials, industry experts, business owners, and community leaders—who have endorsed the congressman.

“I am running for the U.S. Senate to represent all Arizonans, regardless of where they live or what political party they align themselves with. We may not agree on everything, but we can find common ground on one essential goal: building a better Arizona. And as a Marine combat veteran, a Congressman, and a dad of two, that is one fight I will never give up on,” Gallego said in the press release announcing the coalition on Sunday.

He continued: “I am honored to have the support of so many local elected officials, business leaders, and community members who contribute so much to our state and look forward to continuing to work with Democrats, Independents, and Republicans alike to deliver for Arizona.”

A spokesperson for Lake told Newsweek via email on Sunday evening, “Kari Lake is uniting Republicans, meanwhile Ruben Gallego still doesn’t have the endorsement of Senator Sinema, and is tanking in the polls because of his support for open borders and illegal immigrants voting in our elections. Republicans might have differences but agree far more than not, but Ruben Gallego supports [Vice President] Kamala Harris 100 percent of the time.”

Gallego, meanwhile, supported bipartisan legislation to secure the U.S.-Mexico border amid a surge of illegal migrant crossings in recent years. The bill, however, was blocked in the Senate in February after Republicans criticized it for not being tough enough on immigration. “Extremists in Congress must put politics aside and pass the funding and border security reform bill that is right now sitting idly in Congress,” Gallego said at a press conference in March. “Every minute we wait means more fentanyl deaths, more strain on first responders… and a looming possibility of street releases.”

Mayor John Giles of Mesa, Arizona, is among the members of the coalition supporting Gallego. “I am a lifelong Republican. But I cannot in good conscience stand on the sidelines while extremists like Kari Lake, who have hijacked our party for the sake of personal gain, undermine the very fabric of what makes America exceptional. Ruben Gallego is a Marine, a strong leader, and a good man, and in this election, the health of our democracy matters more than party affiliation. I am proud to endorse Ruben because Arizona needs him as our next U.S. Senator,” he said in the press release.

Randy Hartless, the mayor of Parker, Arizona, has also endorsed Gallego. “I am proud to endorse Ruben Gallego for the U.S. Senate because he embodies the leadership we need to navigate the challenges facing Arizona, especially for our rural communities. Ruben’s commitment to tackling housing affordability and job opportunities for hardworking families, investing in education, and protecting our water future align with those we hold dear in Parker. This is a pivotal moment for the future of rural Arizona, and I am confident that Ruben Gallego is the right choice to represent all of us in the Senate,” Hartless said in the press release.



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