
Two social service programs for migrants, established by President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS), are also covertly functioning as deportation shields, according to a bombshell interim staff report from the House Judiciary Committee. The report suggests that the Biden administration has repurposed DHS’s Alternatives to Detention (ATD) into a system providing cultural orientation, legal advice, and mental health resources while connecting migrants to taxpayer-funded programs like food stamps and Medicaid.

ATD’s Intensive Supervision Appearance Program (ISAP) uses facial recognition, voice identification technology, and GPS tracking to monitor migrants not detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The Heritage Foundation has noted that ISAP is about 98 percent effective when migrants remain in the program throughout their deportation proceedings.

However, Biden’s DHS has ensured that migrants in the Young Adult Case Management Program (YACMP) and the Case Management Pilot Program (CMPP) are not placed on ISAP, thus avoiding monitoring or tracking while awaiting deportation hearings. Close to 340 migrants, including almost 100 single adult border crossers, have been enrolled in CMPP. As of February, none of the migrants in CMPP have been deported from the U.S.

The House Judiciary Committee and critics have identified Claire Trickler-McNulty as the key figure behind transforming ATD from an enforcement tool into a social services system. Trickler-McNulty, associated with Kids in Need of Defense (KIND)—an organization financially linked to George Soros’s Open Society Foundation—has a history of helping young migrants fight government deportation cases.

“Claire Trickler-McNulty is one of the most dangerous Alejandro Mayorkas underlings lurking in the shadows as part of a calculated effort to gut immigration enforcement,” RJ Hauman, president of the National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE), told Breitbart News.

Trickler-McNulty joined the Biden administration in January 2021 as a top official at ICE’s Office of Detention Policy and Planning. Under DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’s leadership, the office was rebranded to the Office of Immigration Program Evaluation (OIPE), where Trickler-McNulty served as assistant director until April this year. She then took a six-month detail as senior counselor to the director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Trickler-McNulty’s departure from OIPE, which has since been shuttered, came just weeks after the House Judiciary Committee requested her appearance for a transcribed interview as part of increased oversight of her office. After her post at USCIS ends later this year, she plans to rejoin ICE.

“If it was a radical ICE decision or program, her fingerprints were all over it,” Hauman said. “The fact that she is returning to ICE even though her program evaluation office was rightfully scrapped is highly alarming. Republicans on Capitol Hill must demand answers — and fast.”



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