
As President Joe Biden prepares to step down from office, there’s a lot of speculation about what his life will look like after January 20, 2025. Among the many facets of his retirement, one might imagine the future former president cruising in his cherished 1967 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray. However, that image might remain just a dream, as Biden won’t spend much time behind his classic car’s wheel.

While the idea of Biden enjoying his retirement by taking his Corvette for a spin is tempting, the reality is quite different. Every former U.S. president, including Biden, is entitled to lifelong protection from the United States Secret Service, according to the 1958 Former President’s Act. This protection includes not only security details but also significant restrictions on driving.

It’s easy to picture Biden, a longtime car enthusiast, rolling out his 1967 Corvette, putting on his signature aviators, and hitting the open road. However, due to the security measures in place, the chances of seeing Biden behind the wheel are slim. The former president will likely have to settle for the occasional supervised drive rather than regular road trips in his 350-horsepower classic car.

Biden’s Corvette, a 1967 model with a 327-cubic inch L79 V8 engine and a four-speed manual transmission, has been a symbol of his love for American muscle cars. The car holds sentimental value, especially since Biden’s children had the engine rebuilt as a special gift. Despite his affection for the vehicle, the responsibilities and restrictions that come with being a former president will limit his time in the driver’s seat.

Interestingly, Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump, also has a history of owning flashy vehicles, from a Lamborghini Diablo to a gold-treated chopper. However, like Biden, Trump’s ability to drive these cars is similarly curtailed by the need for constant Secret Service protection.

Although Biden might not be able to enjoy his Corvette as much as he would like, he did manage to get around the driving restrictions at least once during his presidency. In a memorable moment, Biden took his Corvette for a spin with TV host Jay Leno in a widely-shared video, showcasing his enduring love for the car and the thrill of driving.

As Biden transitions from the role of commander-in-chief to that of a private citizen, his beloved Corvette will remain a symbol of his passion for classic American cars, even if he can’t drive it as often as he’d like.



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