
It’s been a week since Joe Biden left the presidential race, and he’s barely been seen in public. Following a fumbling Oval Office address on Thursday, where he failed to offer any explanation for his sudden departure, the president retreated to Camp David. This is the same Camp David where he secluded himself before the debate performance that exposed his deteriorating mental and physical condition. His return there now is seen by many as a significant indicator of his worsening health.

Biden’s sudden retreat has led to much speculation and concern. His abrupt departure from the race and subsequent seclusion are not seen as mere scheduling coincidences but rather as signs of a serious decline. Some have described the situation as embarrassing for Jill Biden, especially since she was seen last in line during a recent event, something unexpected given her stature as the First Lady.

In a particular instance during a visit to Paris, Jill Biden allowed others to go in front of her to greet French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife. She stood patiently, letting others have their turn, and was technically last in line when her moment arrived. However, this seemed purposeful. She appeared to want to be the last to greet Macron, ensuring her photo-op and the chance to walk away with the French leader.

“Why? Because that’s who Jill Biden is. She is nothing if not intoxicated by the opportunity her husband’s fledgling presidency provides to cosplay as royalty,” commented a critic. Given the unfolding situation, one might expect her to join her family at Camp David. This would be the time for a normal person to be there for the husband she has stood by for years. Instead, she was seen attending events in Paris, seemingly unbothered by the recent upheaval.

Her actions have drawn criticism, with some accusing her of being more concerned with maintaining her public image and enjoying the perks of the presidency than supporting her husband during this critical time. “She’s hobnobbing in Paris alone on the taxpayer dime because, again, that’s who she is. That’s what’s most important to her,” the critic added.

The video of Jill Biden being last in line in Paris is seen by some as awkward, but not just because of her positioning. It is perceived as a symbol of her addiction to power and status. Critics argue she is determined to milk these last six months for all they are worth, potentially costing American taxpayers a fortune. What happens after that remains uncertain. While some hope she might finally retire to Delaware, many wouldn’t count on it.



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